Gennaro Contaldo was born in the picturesque town of Minori, nestled on the Amalfi coast. It was here that his culinary journey began, planting its roots in local restaurant kitchens when he was just eight years old.
A venture to Britain in the late 1960s marked a significant chapter in his career. He spent his early years meandering across the country, immersing himself in the authentic culture of local village restaurants and acquainting himself with wild food.
He eventually found his way to London. Here, he held the title of chef in several eateries before achieving acclaim with his award-winning restaurant, 'Passione'.
The world was introduced to Gennaro Contaldo through his connection with Jamie Oliver, whom he inspired during their time together at Carluccio's. Since then, Contaldo's unmistakably Italian spirit has charmed televisions audiences.
These days, Gennaro Contaldo wears many hats. He's celebrated both as a dedicated mentor, working alongside Jamie Oliver in managing his 'Jamie's Italian' restaurant chain, and also as a passionate advocate for authentic Italian cooking, inspiring home cooks through his various books, magazine contributions and television appearances.
The beloved chef calls north-east London home, where he lives with his partner and their twin daughters.